The Programme
Assist the development of metalwork skills and contemporary creative expression for apprentice artisans of Cambodia
Under Peace Art Cambodia Phase One (October 2003 -April 20005) a total of twenty four Khmer under-graduate and graduate students from the Royal University of Fine Art Phnom Penh (RUFA) received basic training in metalwork skills with fifteen progressing to the mid-stage and eight participating in the latter stage of the first eighteen month course. None had any prior metalwork experience.
Five international artists and two Cambodian engineers provided short-term technical and creative input. Over two hundred pieces, ranging from sculpture to furniture were produced and one hundred were sold to customers in Cambodia and beyond. The proceeds were divided between direct payments to the artists and re-investment into operating costs.
“The training has made me realise that weapons should not be used as a means to solve problems. They are better turned into works of art which tell people in the world that peace and non-violence brings about development and happiness”
—PAC Phase One participant Chhouk Rithy
“The new generation is like a blank sheet of paper; very white. So if we can bring the message to the young generation, it’s a good opportunity to be aware of peace.”
—PAC Phase One Participant Chhay Bunna
PAC is currently registering as a local Cambodian organisation to provide sustainable opportunities to participants and continue to raise local and international awareness on the issue of small arms.
Weapons once used as instruments of war are now being remade into sculptures that inspire peace. See more photos in the photo gallery.